Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush wins Ohio! .. no, not yet.. yes... no - 2000 all over again?

No, it is not 2000.

Fox News and NBC are calling Ohio for Bush. With almost 90% of the precincts reporting, the margin is still the same... and it will stay the same.
Now, the other networks are not calling the state yet because the Kerry campaign announced that they were not going to recognize any result yet, until every vote, including provisional ballots, were counted. That actually creates a problem, because, by law, Ohio cannot count provisional ballots until eleven days after the election!

New Hampshire is not being called yet - that clearly represents a bad signal. I'm pretty sure that Kerry is going to win New Hampshire at the end, but I would haver considered as a good omen having that state called early.

Wow.. Louisiana is about to send their first Republican Senator ever. It was plain dumb from the Democrats not to unite under a single candidate when they saw that David Vittter was edging the 50% in the polls. I know that in Louisiana they usually conduct their races in this way, but, for almost two weeks it was becoming apparent that the Republicans could win in the first round, and yet the Democrats insisted in keeping divided.

It seems like the election is over for Kerry now, even if they are still trying to include all the provisional ballots. It doesn't add up. And Bush is getting ahead on the national popular vote with a comfortable three point margin. It's over because by losing Ohio, even if Kerry can win all of the other states (except Alaska of course), there would be a tie in the electoral college 269/269.


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